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Samothrace Installation

Behold nature euphonious and bewitching. It shines, it twines, it seems to come undone only to be reborn even stronger and to play with distracted eyes. In this new creation, Jane Puylagarde, armed with her usual sensitivity, explores what fills the world with beauty – a mysterious, untamed, irreducible beauty, sometimes ephemeral, but always eternal. And If she chose the Winged Victory of Samothrace as the guiding figure for this ENSEMBLE, where nature is majestic, it is undoubtedly because the influence of ancient Greek culture continued far beyond its own time period. Art critique Gustave Geffroy sensed this was so when he described the statue on display at the Louvre as ‘the beauty of health, the quiet pride of strength’, the victory of an ancient naval battle, but also, he added, the victory ‘of everywhere’. Its first victory was thus the flight of a sensual body, its wings outstretched, joyfully springing forth from the stone. And what is this new exploration by Jane Puylagarde if not her painting taking flight to celebrate nature with its countless ceremonies, its enigmatic sinuosity, its indecipherable and euphoric charms? G.H

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