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Ad Infinitum opening

A painting plays with light, so why wouldn’t it play with time as well? The visitors on opening night were a sign of those to come in the weeks to follow. The duration of an exhibition is suspended in time, authorizing curious passers-by, drawing professionals, inviting enthusiasts, some dropping in unknowingly, others coming and going, happy to discover such an original and singular oeuvre. But who is looking at the other? Who could claim that Ad Infinitum is also looking at those who are in contemplation before it and trying to uncover its secret? The monumental painting, after being shunted around during its installation, gradually takes possession of the space. It takes up residence, the drops stretch out in their confinement of paint, chatter and rejoice at the esthetic project that has brought them together. Perhaps one day we will be able to read the noises and words they have stored away. We will then know that an exhibition like Ad Infinitum had been a moment of sharing.

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